
Phaal is an extremely spicy and fiery curry that originated in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in British Indian cuisine. While its exact origins are unclear, it is believed to have been developed in Indian restaurants in the UK during the 1970s and 1980s as a challenge for diners who sought the spiciest dish possible.

Phaal is known for its intense heat, achieved by using a variety of extremely hot chili peppers, such as Bhut Jolokia (ghost pepper) or Naga Morich. The dish typically consists of a thick and rich tomato-based sauce infused with a blend of spices and an abundance of chili peppers.

In the UK, Phaal is regarded as one of the hottest curries available and is often associated with "curry challenges" where diners attempt to finish a large portion of the dish within a specified time. It is not commonly found on regular menus, but some Indian restaurants offer it as a specialty or upon request for those who enjoy extreme heat.

Please note that Phaal is an extremely spicy dish and is not recommended for individuals who are not accustomed to consuming highly spicy foods. Proceed with caution and adjust the spice level according to your tolerance.

While I can provide a recipe for Phaal, please keep in mind that the spiciness can vary depending on the type and quantity of chili peppers used. It is recommended to use protective gloves while handling the chili peppers and to exercise caution when preparing and consuming this dish.

Chicken Phaal

Difficulty: Advanced

Spice Level: Extremely Hot

Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Serves: 4


- 500g boneless chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces

- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil

- 2 large onions, finely chopped

- 4 cloves garlic, minced

- 1-inch ginger, grated

- 4-6 extremely hot chili peppers (such as Bhut Jolokia or Naga Morich), finely chopped (adjust quantity to desired spiciness)

- 4 large tomatoes, pureed

- 2 teaspoons ground cumin

- 2 teaspoons ground coriander

- 2 teaspoons paprika

- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

- 1 teaspoon garam masala

- Salt to taste

- Fresh coriander leaves, for garnish

- Naan bread or steamed rice, for serving


1. Heat vegetable oil in a large pan or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and sauté until golden brown.

2. Add the minced garlic, grated ginger, and chopped chili peppers to the pan. Sauté for a minute until the raw aroma disappears.

3. In a small bowl, combine ground cumin, ground coriander, paprika, turmeric powder, and salt. Mix well.

4. Add the spice mixture to the pan and cook for a minute, stirring continuously to coat the onions and spices evenly.

5. Add the chicken pieces to the pan and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned.

6. Pour in the pureed tomatoes and mix well. Bring to a simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes thicken and the oil separates from the sauce.

7. Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. Simmer for an additional 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender. Stir occasionally.

8. Stir in the garam masala. Adjust the salt if needed.

9. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

10. Serve Chicken Phaal hot with naan bread or steamed rice.

Remember to exercise caution and enjoy this fiery curry responsibly, keeping in mind your spice tolerance.



